Choosing Gorgeous Jewelry For My Wife

3 Tips For Selling Your Gold Jewelry To A Refinery

Finding a gold buyer that will offer you a fair and reasonable price for your pieces is a bit difficult to do. This is why it is recommended to spend some time shopping around before committing. In addition, you can consider selling your pieces to a refinery. A gold refinery is typically able to provide you with a better price for your gold than smaller shops would. Whether you find yourself in control of an estate or are looking to offload a large collection of gold jewelry, there are a few tips you need to consider when selling your gold jewelry to a refinery. Read More 

Cash For Gold: Know The Basics When Selling Your Jewelry

Many businesses have emerged in the recent years offering to buy worn-out or unwanted gold jewelry. Whether you are looking for extra cash or downsizing your collection of unused jewelry, you will want to take time to consider some basics before diving into the gold selling pool. Know how your gold is valued According the Federal Trade Commission, all gold sold in the U.S. must be described in terms of its karat. Read More